The Great Awakening
- Sidney Powell blistering election update…
- Top Coup Experts Training Left with Revolutionary Tactics Ahead and after the 2020 Election…
- TRUMP – SILENT RUNNING by Justin Bellucci
- Everyone who LAUGHED and said Donald Trump will never be President of the United States of America…
- No society wants you to be wise. Except the one with the Great Awakening…
- Alison Morrow explains the Mainstream Media bias regarding Antifa…
- Liberty News.News Merch Shop!
- Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show…
- Hunter Biden’s laptop reveals payouts from Chinese Communist Party to the Biden family…
- This Video will get Donald J Trump Re Elected!
- Discussion of George Soros is strictly off limits on Fox news and other MSM as described by Bill O’Reilly…
- America’s China Class wages war against Trump. By Lee Smith…
- “The Permanent Coup” by Lee Smith, investigates China and the Democrats plan to use Covid-19 and BLM/Antifa riots to stop Donald J Trump.
- Good Lion Films – Pervywood 5: the Pedo Punisher…
- Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas confirmed dead in Tokyo…
- White House Petition To Declare George Soros a Terrorist & Seize Assets Gains 213K Signatures…
- NXIVM Leader Keith Raniere Found Guilty Of All Charges In Sex Cult Case. Looking at life in prison.
- Nasty Nancy Pelosi: We’re Gonna WIN House, Senate, WH – ‘the Great American NIGHTMARE Will Be Over’
- Soros group affiliated with “Defund the Police” movement…
- CHAZ / CHOP Seattle Capitol Hill. Take the tour inside.
Great Awakening Essentials
- Rockefeller Foundation "LockStep" document .pdf from May 2010.
- 1995 movie "The Grid" controlling the masses with frequencies.
- Good Lion Films - PERVYWOOD: Those Who Yell The Loudest
- Good Lion Films - PERVYWOOD 3: Pawns of the Elite - A Nick Alvear Film
- Out of Shadows - A documentary about the hidden enemy with a sinister agenda operating in Hollywood and government.
- Mouthy Buddha's - Pedogate 2020 - Investigating the worldwide pandemic of child trafficking .
- Good Lion Films - Obamagate 2 - American Traitor
- Mouthy Buddha's PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II - Tom Hanx (NEW INFO)
- Fall Cabal - Janet Ossebaard's documentary series on QAnon, the Cabal, and the Covid-19 Plandemic.
- Good Lion Films - PERVYWOOD 2: Strange Dark Secrets - A Nick Alvear Film
Electromagnetic EMF Radiation Information
The Storm is Upon Us
- General McKinnery talks Insurrection Act…
- President Trump’s most important speech to date…
- Revenge… Is a Dish That is Best Served Cold…
- Election Bombshell…Trump’s 2018 Election Executive Order is a TRAP!
- Thomas Wictor explains CISA- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Trumps new agency that ensures election integrity…
- Glenn Beck flips out on Blaze TV. Enough is enough!
- Ballot fraud / election fraud captured live on CNN…
- Leigh Dundass, Trump attorney gives explosive update…
- November 7th, 2020 – Official Statement from Donald J. Trump…
- Confirmed… Dr. Steve Pieczenick confirms Trump Sting Operation. All ballots were watermarked with QFS Blockchain encryption!
- Only Days until the Election and the Democrats are in freefall. Laura Ingram explains…
- Rudy Giuliani explains to Glenn Beck the evidence linking Joe Biden to the Chinese Communist Party…
- China Warns U.S. It May Detain Americans in Response to Prosecutions of Chinese Scholars…
- China’s Xi Jinping tells troops to focus their ‘minds’ to prepare for war…
- Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman sentenced to more than 6 years for role in Nxivm sex cult…
- President Trump announces on Twitter that he has tested positive for Covid-19. He is going undercover for the final 30 days before the election. There is no Covid-19!
- Desperate Dems – Project Veritas Exposes Ilhan Omar Allies in Alleged Ballot Harvesting Operation in Minnesota…
- AG Barr designates Portland, Seattle, and New York as “Anarchist Jurisdictions.”
- Portland OR Antifa HQ revealed on city property.
- Bone Chilling similarities between BLM and China’s Cultural Revolution by Paul Joseph Watson…
Covid-19 – The Plandemic
- The SARS-Cov-2 virus was never proved to exist…
- COVID-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless…
- Erykah Badu dumbfounded after testing positive for coronavirus in left nostril, negative in the right…
- Coronavirus testing lab in Boston shut down for 400 false positives.
- CDC admits Covid-19 deaths are only 6% of official media reported death count.
- SMOKING GUN – Covid-19 is FAKE. There is no such thing as Covid-19 virus. Latest interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman with Del Bigtree.
- NYC Epicenter nurse whistleblower, what’s really happening…
- It’s official. USA withdraws from WHO over mis handling of the Covid-19 Virus.
- Viruses are not contagious. Dr. Andrew Kaufman and RN Kate Shemirani.
- New Swiss Policy Research reveals Covid-19 nothing but seasonal influenza.
- Anthony Fauci changes his tune – 2nd wave not likely and wearing masks are only symbolic.
- Michael Flor of Seattle gets Covid-19 hospital bill for $1,122,501.04. 62 days hospitalization…
- COVID-19 Lockdowns Spark 41% Collapse In Black-Owned Businesses In America …
- WHO and the Chinese Communist Party colluded and misled the world on Covid-19. PLANDAMAGATE has begun!
- MSNBC – WHO in damage control. They now say no asymptomatic spread. Social distancing and masks for healthy people are no longer recommended. MSM Narrative has changed.
- Smoking Gun… Norway Scientist Claims Report Proves Coronavirus Was Lab-Made
- Dr. Buttar has proof. Covid-19 and WHO desperate to pump up the fear. Coronavirus narrative is falling apart.
- Germany’s Interior Ministry leaked a report that Covid-19 is nothing more than common cold.
- Former MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove claims Covid-19 was made in a Chinese lab.
- Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline | Tony Robbins
Plandemic Essentials
- The Covid-19 Plandemic scam explained.
- Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care in Kern County offer their opinion on Covid-19.
- Plandemic - The Dr Judy Mikovits sets the story straight by Mikki Willis
- Georgia respiratory therapist describes hospital fraud and how most patients are being labeled Covid-19.
- Former Vodafone boss blows the whistle on Coronavirus and 5G
- Former Colonel of Russian Military Intelligence offers his opinion on the Covid-19 Plandemic agenda.
- Portland Oregon registered Nurse describes the situation in Portland hospitals.
- Obama appears to have had knowledge of the coming Plandemic back in 2014.
- London Real Unleashed. Brian Rose's Freedom Platform uncensored
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman M.D. explains Covid-19, and the problems with Covid-19 testing.
- Dana Ashlie on 60Ghz and the connection to Coronavirus.
- Dana Ashlie reveals there is no activity in NYC hospitals!